Politeknika Txorierri, a center committed to the 2030 agenda

The School Agenda 2030 (AE2030) is a commitment by educational centers to work for sustainable development and educational quality of the center and its environment, through the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets.

These SDGs have been defined by the United Nations to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure the prosperity of people worldwide.

17 sustainable development goals (SDGs)

The School Agenda 2030 is the tool with which we develop knowledge, skills, attitudes, commitments, and actions in the educational community, to take part in problem-solving towards sustainability.

Politeknika Txorierri, a committed center


At Politeknika Txorierri we believe in this commitment and that is why we have decided to put into practice actions such as:


We have designed a space to promote environmental awareness and a more sustainable and healthy lifestyle. It is a space designed and created with recycled materials where you can rest, disconnect, and consume a varied selection of fruits, teas, and infusions for free.


These are activities that help us raise awareness among students about sustainability issues directly related to the stage or cycle they are studying.


We want to put an end to plastic packaging. To achieve this, the first step is the coffee machine cups. As a solution, we have designed personalized cups with the firm goal of leaving single-use plastic behind.


We have hosted 50 European students and invested three intense days of work in trying to find school-level solutions to address climate change. In the following two years, we will travel to the other participating countries to develop the solutions and contribute our small part to the change.


The SDGs are ambitious objectives that cover a wide diversity of problems, including those related to the social dimension. At Politeknika Txorierri, we want our students to become aware of these problems and have the option to do something to contribute to the improvement of society. That is why we carry out different challenges in which students collaborate and offer a product or service that improves the lives of some people, such as solidarity challenges or collaboration with the food bank.