The IA and the future: Empowering women

The IA and the future: Empowering women

We want to tell you about something incredible that happened recently at Politeknika Txorierri. At the end of September, our centre hosted an event that revolved around a very interesting and, in our opinion, extremely necessary topic: Artificial Intelligence (AI)...



Politeknika Txorierri is committed to foster innovation and training of young people as well as the continuing up-skilling and re-skilling of adults. In this spirit we would like to share news about the SECOVE congress and would specially invite everyone interested in...

The first pilot of the INCOBOTICS project

The first pilot of the INCOBOTICS project

In March 2021 we finished the first pilot of the INCOBOTICS project. A first pilot that has helped us to test and validate the materials generated and to receive feedback from the real protagonists of this project: THE STUDENTS. This first pilot started at the...

International project about Cybersecurity

International project about Cybersecurity

The Spanish national agency SEPIE has approved our new Erasmus+ project, “Digital Training for Cybersecurity Students in Industrial Fields" The DICYSTECH - Digital Training for Cybersecurity Students in Industrial Fields project (2021-2023), unites five EU partners...

Robotics, a tool for innovation in education

Robotics, a tool for innovation in education

The world is in transformation: in 2025, the rate of automation of the workforce will be 47%, according to the report The Future of Jobs 2020 (The Future of Jobs 2020) of the World Economic Forum (WEF, in its acronym in English). Industry 4.0 is no longer a concept of...

DTAM project and the Pact for Skills Initiative

DTAM project and the Pact for Skills Initiative

Xabier Ugarte, from Politeknika Txorierri, was invited as a speaker to the Digital education & training - Youth at the heart of the social economy conference organised by the Pact for Skills initiative on January 28th. The ‘Digital Road to Mannheim’ (Roadmap)...