We are expanding our borders and will carry out a project in Africa! We are delighted to inform you that Politeknika Txorierri has started a vocational education and professional training project, known as SUSTAIN-IT. It will last 3 years and this project has as its main objective to improve the skills of trainers, with a special focus on environmental awareness.

Logo del proyecto Sustain IT

Best of all, we are about to set a milestone in the development of digital technology skills, pedagogical methodologies and STEM projects. Zimbabwe, Namibia and Rwanda are the places where we will address these specific needs in technical and vocational education centers. Our hope is to contribute to the quality improvement of technical and vocational education in these countries by strengthening the capacities of trainers to address specific challenges related to environmental awareness and specific skills training.

Important initiative for the strengthening of technical and professional education

We will arrange activities including the organization of training seminars, the development of teaching materials and the creation of a massive online course. In addition, we want to transfer knowledge through online visits and events. With this we want to improve the skills of trainers and promote sustainable living habits and environmental awareness among students.

We expect the results of the SUSTAIN-IT project to contribute significantly to sustainable development and youth empowerment in the countries involved. Improving the quality of technical and vocational education, coupled with a focus on environmental awareness, promises to lay the foundation for a more sustainable and prosperous future in Africa.

We want to improve the quality of technical and vocational education in Zimbabwe, Namibia and Rwanda.

Historic milestone for Politeknika Txorierri with this project in Africa

In summary, the SUSTAIN-IT project represents a significant step towards strengthening technical and vocational education in Africa, with a focus on digital technology integration, environmental awareness and specific skills development.

This and other international projects place us as a referent educational center of professional training at European level, transferring our way of teaching to different countries. This type of initiative helps us to strengthen ties for present and future collaborations in the field of education and sustainability.

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