Politeknika Txorierri - innovación en FP

Innovation projects in vocational training in the Basque Country

The projects of the Vice-Ministry of Vocational Training of the Basque Government support schools in the Basque Country in the development of Innovation Projects in Vocational Training. The objective of these projects is to adapt the training offer of VET to the needs of the productive system, in order to transfer this knowledge to students and other VET schools in the Autonomous Community of Euskadi.

The projects eligible for grants must preferably be aligned with the smart specialisation strategy defined both in the VI Basque Vocational Training Plan, in the Plan for Sustainable Digitalization and Intelligent Systems in the Basque Education System, and in the Comprehensive Plan for a Green Transition in Basque vocational training, training of people and support for the sustainable competitiveness of SMEs, as well as in plans framed within the initiatives of Strategic Planning of Government Action.

Do you want to know what projects we are working on at Basque Country level?


CI-IFS for cranioplasty

Txorierri - fondo