Fostering Industry 4.0 and 3D Technologies through Social Entrepreneurship: An Innovative Program for a Sustainable Future – 3D2ACT




The 3D2ACT project supports VET teachers in an attempt to strengthen their profiles through the acquisition of new skills, the development of specific material and the collection of tools and resources, while at the same time, it has created opportunities to link VET schools with the labor market, based on synergies and partnerships with established organizations using Industry 4.0 and automation or 3D printing and robotics.


The key competencies that are promoted as part of the 3D2ACT project outcome are:

  • A course for teachers from basic to advanced levels in the acquisition of 3D printing teaching skills with applicable classroom exercises.
  • A course to teach the basics of social entrepreneurship, including the Canvas business model and the skills needed to start up this type of business.
  • An augmented reality mobile game with the steps to follow for the creation of a social enterprise that can be downloaded on Android phones.
  • An online and easily accessible platform containing the 3D printing course and the social entrepreneurship course applicable to the classroom and with exercises and best practice cases
Politeknika Txorierri - erasmus+