Promoting AI-Driven Digital Transformation and Innovation in VET Schools for Social Change and Better Skills Match with the Labour Market – SmartAInnovators




The smartAInnovators project aims to design, develop and pilot test a complete and ready-to-implement TOOLKIT. These tools help VET trainers and teachers to introduce the ecosystem of AI technologies (supported by advanced digital skills such as coding and game development) using curricula based on a multidisciplinary STEAM-oriented approach in conjunction with scenarios based on everyday life issues, which focuses on the use of DIGITAL INNOVATION for SOCIAL CHANGE.


The project has developed the following four main results:

    • PR1 – the BLUEPRINT REPORT: to analyze the use and impact of artificial intelligence on education, citizens, business and the public interest on which the following project results are based
    • PR2 – smartAInnovators TOOLKIT: the creation of a practical manual that introduces AI technology and video game development in VET centers (aimed at teachers and VET managers).
    • PR3 – smartAIinnovators virtual E-LEARNING ACADEMY: this part consists of the creation of a free platform, an exhibition or contest in which a group of selected students participate, and a mobile app aimed at students.
    • PR4 – EU smartAInnovator MAKERSPACE PACK: a place (real and virtual) created with the aim of educating students about the implications of AI, especially in an effort to leave behind unfavorable behaviors such as pathological gambling. In other words, digital innovation for social change in action.


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